Investments for HNWI | Tandem Venture Partners

Austin Collie

Austin Collie profile picture

“You’re either getting worse or you’re getting better. There’s no in between.”

Back Story

As a kid, I dreamt of playing in the National Football League. In 2009, that dream came true when I was drafted by the Indianapolis Colts. Along the way, I achieved All-American status at every level, shattered receiving records at BYU, and earned a spot on the NFL AP All-Rookie Team. I had the privilege of playing in two AFC Championships and Super Bowl XLIV. Since retiring from football, my focus shifted to investing in and contributing to the growth of startups rooted in artificial intelligence and machine learning technology. I’ve always sought insights from statistics and data to problem-solve and better understand competitive landscapes.

On the look out for

Having stood in the huddle and locker room alongside some of sports’ greatest leaders, I quickly grasped the essence of true leadership and its profound impact on organizations. I’m drawn to companies whose leaders uphold standards higher than their competitors, relentlessly striving for improvement in the pursuit of collective success. I’m passionate about companies and technology that reshape our lives and transform our perspective on the world.

Personal Side

Family  /   Football  / Coaching  /  AI Technology  /  Food