Jimmer Fredette

“Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.“
Back Story
I have always loved sports from a young age. There was something competitive about that that really caught my attention. Basketball specifically. I loved watching the ball go in and wanted to do it repeatedly. So I worked hard and was able to earn a scholarship to BYU to play basketball. While there I became the National Player of the Year, our team made the Sweet Sixteen of the NCAA tournament and I hold several records at BYU. I then went on to get drafted in the NBA 10th overall and have a 12-year professional career. I am now playing 3×3 basketball and helping Team USA qualify for the 2024 Olympics. During my basketball career, I had an opportunity to invest in a lot of different ways, including tech and real estate. It gave me that same competitive feeling to find a great deal and win a great deal. This is what has drawn me into Tandem. To work with great people, help out the Utah echo system, and become the best investment firm we can be.
On the look out for
I look for a few different things before investing. The first and most important for me is the leadership of the company. I’m looking for people who are as competitive as me and can take a business to the next level. I am also looking for anyone who wants to invest in tech, real estate, and PE. I have been working a lot on growing our investor base at Tandem and am always willing to take meetings.
Personal Side
Basketball / Tennis / Family / Dogs / Eating